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Simple Gifts...

Simple Gifts...

This day I hope that the courage of

kindness and the willingness

to forgive when things aren’t the way

you think they should be...

Those smiles for the clerk who gives you change.

The hellos to strangers when you are both caught

in the rain. Hold the door for the person who has

no hands free. A moment for silence when silence need be…

Then those who are lost will know the way home will be found.

The desperate will feel there's a way for them

to get done all things coming around. The angry

won’t find the wall to scream at or worry so much,

they have to strike first before someone strikes back…

Give a smile of forgiveness when people are rude.

Laugh at the moments when you have felt like a fool.

Accept that you don’t have all the answers at hand,

that sometimes you have to forgive when no one understands…

The big things that happen in this world

are created and made easier when the little things

are a matter of grace and no one is worrying about

trying to save face. We work together much better

when please and thank you are the norm…

We all act better when our hearts feel warm.

Pray for this gift to be found in your heart.

Start practicing early, like it is already here.

Just in the hope, you feel it worthy and make it appear…

Natasha MJ Spira

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